Wednesday 8 September 2021

The Empirical Strikes Back

It seems like only eighteen days ago that this Prune voiced the demands of the US State Department, the UN Security Council, the EU and all the Clown Assemblies of the Clowniverse...


the UN Security Council issued a joint press statement earlier today
calling for a new government that is
united  - 100% Taliban
inclusive - of the Pashtun Taliban
and representative of the Pashtun Taliban
including with the full and
full and meaningful representation of women - zero is plenty of nothing and the meaning is unmistakable

The Cabinet includes senior Ministers with ties to al Qaeda and ISIS. which is exceedingly inclusive because, of course, neither of these organisations exist in Afghanistan and won't be getting a secure base for their further adventures.

In other news, the world ended in 2013 so none of this is happening anyway. Phew.

Update: the State Department is upset at continuing irruptions of Actual into the Maccosphere:

The State Department on Tuesday expressed concerns over the makeup of the new interim Afghan government announced by the Taliban, including the lack of female leaders and the past actions of some of those appointed to top posts.

The bit I like is
the U.S. “will judge the Taliban by its actions, not words"
aaaaand having Judged, do what exactly? Phrases like "oh yeah, you and whose army?" come to mind.

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