Sunday 17 October 2021


What is that grinding, Captain o Captain
What is that grinding, grinding, grinding?

Kapitän: why, it is our Narrenschiff riding onto the rocks under full sail, skyrakers and moonrakers and all.

What is that rending, Captain o Captain
What is that rend

Kapitän: oh do shut up you sely folys.

Who are you to call us sely folys?

Kapitän: ahem
I am the firste fole of all the hole nauy
To kepe the pompe, the helme and eke the sayle
For this is my mynde, this one pleasoure haue I
Of bokes to haue grete plenty and aparayle
I take no wysdome by them: nor yet auayle
Nor them preceyue nat: And then I them despyse
Thus am I a foole and all that sewe that guyse

That in this shyp the chefe place I gouerne
By this wyde see with folys wanderynge
The cause is playne, and easy to dyscerne
Styll am I besy bokes assemblynge
For to haue plenty it is a plesaunt thynge
In my conceyt and to haue them ay in honde
But what they mene do I nat vnderstonde
Das Narrenschiff, Sebastian Brandt 1494
The Shyp of Folys of the Worlde, translation by Alexander Barclay 1509

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