Monday 8 November 2021

Ripper Was Right


I looked over the Steele Dossier when it was first made public, I think in early 2017.

It read like a twelve-year-old's attempt at a Super Spy Secret Squirrel Totally Top Secret Super Secret Secret. So obviously a fake that it was impossible to believe anyone would Take It Seriously for more than the news cycle it took to mayfly away.

After four and a half years (so far) of Everybody Taking It Seriously I begin to realise that Ripper Was Right and fluoridation a menace that has infantilised hundreds of millions, who have grown bigger, older and flabbier while remaining mentally on the verge of pubescence.

RIP General, and Thank You For Your Service. Next time I'm in Arlington VA I will be sure to lay a wreath.

Yes, I know he's a product of the imagination but of an adult and intelligent imagination, which makes him almost concrete amidst the smog of Unreal through which the Fluoridated labour day after day.

Readers: but you... how did you evade Fluoridation... the water supply...

Blogista: as a lifelong alcoholic I have never let it pass my lips

Readers: or...

Blogista: toothpaste, no.


x said...

Too much water is bad for you too. That's why I never wash.

Chertiozhnik said...

Unwashed or not it is a delight to hear from you Mr X. As for toothpastelessness, apart from saving ones sanity it keeps the Flouridated hordes at a good distance, a stale-whisky-and-halitosis miasma I feel I should market as an aerosol.