Sunday 21 November 2021

Independent - Stunning and Brave


Kenosha WI is nearly 4,000 miles from London UK, the events in question only happened 64 weeks ago, and the entire process from arrest to acquittal has been shrouded in silence and obscurity. Hats off, then, to the Independent for the bold claim that KR "shot three black men", which is certainly more True than the mere facts suggest, facts that in this case have anyway been so hard to ascertain.

Wokist-Leninism is already showing signs of flagging Over The Pond as decent people of all sorts take against it. How wearying then that our own Great and Good should be starting up with it, in the sort of complacent and incompetent manner that is the hallmark of our Governing Classes.

The Imperial War Museum's farcical Woke Remembrance Day is a case in point, and apologising for it lazy and ridiculous: obviously anyone who objects to the farce Must Be A Hitler and should be doxxed, threatened and browbeaten into silence.

As for the "apology"
We do, however, recognise that Remembrance Sunday at IWM London, with the meaning it holds for different people, was not the moment to share this particular iteration of Breaking the Silence
iteration : we are Pooh-Bahs; we speak fluent Important.
meaning it holds for different people : there are still some pitiful muppets out there who think this is about remembrance of those who died in the service of their country.
not the moment to share : as Therapeuts we are not, of course, asserting but sharing - inevitably there will be pitiful muppets out there for whom this is not yet the appropriate time. WE WILL BE BACK.

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