Sunday 10 July 2022

Do Squareheads Have a Sense of Humour?

September 2018 at the United Nations General Assembly. The Krauts are certainly enjoying a whisk of the Tickling Stick

June 2022 and Boche Economy Minister Habeck is pantomiming like there's no tomorrow. Of the bad economic consequences of current shortages. or of Russia turning off the tap altogether, he says
This is "the best breeding ground for populism, which is intended to undermine our liberal democracy from within," Habeck said, adding that Putin's plans must not be allowed to work out.
Any apparent anger or discontent on the part of the German people must be the effect of "populism" (booo!) propagated by the Putin (he's behind you!) and could not possibly be actual discontent or anger (oh no it isn't!on the part of the German people at the comedians who govern them.

And of course the villain's (booo!) plans will be thwarted, it's just a matter of waiting for the Fairy Godmother to appear at the End.

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