Wednesday 28 September 2022

Act of War

The mouth of hell, from the Hours of Catherine of Cleves, ~1440.
The mouth of hell, 27th September 2022.

Update: a suggestion is that methane hydrate forms as a solid plug in a methane pipeline where gas is present but not flowing (e.g. the Nordstream pipelines). If the pipe is depressurised at (only) one end to clear it
what generally happens is the hydrate plug will still melt at the plug/wall junction, but when it does, the pressurised side will launch the plug (five feet in diameter, and the same density as water ice) at almost 200 miles an hour down the pipe towards the depressurised side.

When this plug bullet hits a bend in the pipe — well, it doesn’t stop, nor does it change direction easily. It’s going to make a hole.
Thanks to The LawDog Files for this, which seems more plausible then any warry explanation.


x said...

Fake news. It's just that a whale farted.

Chertiozhnik said...

But who fed it the cabbage and baked beans? Not the North Koreans, their kimchee would leave an orange tinge in the water. The Russians don't have the capability to move large quantities of flatufacients through the shallow Baltic waters undetected. The Chinese have got no further than getting a squeak or two out of Yangtze River Dolphins, which have anyway gone extinct in the process.
If not the Axis of Really Bad Baddies, then who? Just say "Biden", "Truss", "Duda" over a few times and you will sound like a fat bloke straining after a night on the Chicken Phall and Kingfisher. I think that is more than a coincidence.

x said...

Looks like yer finally dead then! Me too. Good luck Mr C.