Monday, 13 July 2020

Any Fule No

With a recession on the offing, people tend to batten down the hatches: save money, pay down debt. They don't tend to go spending money like drunken sailors.

People have been told incessantly for four months that going anywhere near Public Transport is Certain Death.

Businesses have, in the lockdown, discovered how much overhead in the way of rent, utilities, insurance etc they could save by not running huge Offices.

Government (having created a major recession whose full impact is yet to be felt, issued endless Public Transport death warnings and imposed a massive lockdown): Rrright, now everybody get on your bus, back to the office and start spending like drunken sailors! Spending like us in fact!

Not going to happen.

Wednesday, 1 July 2020

Slate Star Codex: Wokist-Leninism Claims A Scalp

The only victim of the Wokista George Floyd Feeding Frenzy worth mourning, the Slate Star Codex has closed on the threat of the author being doxxed by the New York Times.

Boundlessly intelligent and thoughtful writing obviously has to be destroyed! Oceania can only properly flourish on the sort of diarrhoeic slurry extruded by the NYT, algae and weed on a cesspool being the Wokist-Leninist vision of a living culture.

The "journalist" responsible is one Cade Metz, whose pen will never leak anything you would want to find on your arsewipe, but, well done there, Cade, sure you're proud of yourself.