Thursday 13 August 2015

How True, How Very Very True

From the excellent EatLiver.

*Sigh*'world just doesn't understand.

Here is an Englishman!

For he 'imself has said hit,
And it's greatly to 'is credit,
That he is a Henglishman!
That he is an Englishman!

For he might have been a Roosian,   [scoundrel]
A Frrench, or Turk, or Proosian,       [absolute blackguard]
Or perhaps Itali-an!
                             [the dirty dog]
 Or perhaps Itali-an!

But in spite of all temptations
To belong to hother nations,
He remains a Henglishman!               [aha! stout feller!]
He remains an Englishman!

For in spite of all temptations
To belong to other nations,
He remains an Englishman!              
[pip pip! carry on!]
He remains an Englishman!

Lavinia: Why my dear, is that a... manly tear you brush from your cheek?

Englishman: What what? Most certainly not m'dear. Something in me eye is all, polo pony or whatnot.