Tuesday 28 August 2018

Positive Twitter Day

Friday 31st August.


Not sure what the problem is. The nasty woman is still complaining interminably about 'immigration' at Mr Patel in the corner shop; the troupes of suburban malcontents are still trooping to Trafalgar Square with their timed-out placards and some new ones; the grouchy old loser has not left off grouching in the snug: Ingrowing Stupidity is not a new condition.

Not an absolutely positive view but this is not Friday or Twitter.


x said...

grouchy old loser???

Eeeer, you're not talking about me are you Mr C?

Chertiozhnik said...

Grouchy old loser is as grouchy old loser does, as my old granny used to say. She was and it must run in the genomes.