Wednesday 18 March 2020


A bout of somewhat more than usually nasty flu is making the rounds.

A friend who has severely reduced lung capacity, and therefore genuine reason to fear the virus, has shut herself away.

This morning a local volunteer group delivered, free, this very appetising, healthy and fresh-cooked meal. She and a lady in her nineties who lives upstairs are both on the list of people to support. The group seems to have formed spontaneously, and is giving help in many forms to those who need it.

The Authorities in the meanwhile have, er, hmmm,  taken firm, ahem, and are probably spending an humongous amount of other people's money doing it.

Armed with new powers to do pretty well anything they want, it is only a matter of time before they start shooting people randomly on sight, sooner than risk overcrowding the gaols and upping the virus hazard amongst the inmates.

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