Wednesday 6 May 2020

Ask Uncle Vlad

The Worthy People of Britain: Vladimir Il'ich, Comrade Professor Lockdown has been caught breaching his own lockdown to have... relations. Isn't that a bad thing?

Dyadya Vlad: One who talks a right-wing government into sabotaging its own economy and wrecking millions of livelihoods with it, doesn't merit a legover or two?
Hero of the Soviet-Union-on-Sea, overfulfil your quota with plenary zeal!

The Suddenly Worth One Hell Of A Lot Less But Haven't Twigged Yet People of Britain: Vladimir Il'ich, how did he achieve such a feat?

Vlad the Advisor: Well, that's a toughie, there's nothing in my experience... you know, Sergei Witte, Piotr Stolypin, Piotr Durnovo... the Tsar's governments usually had at least one member who wasn't a complete putz...

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