Sunday 25 October 2020


Thank goodness that in Good Ol' Joe Biden we'll at last have a US President who is sharp-witted, honest, capable, decent and has Britain's interests at heart, unlike that awful "dumpster fire" Donald McHitlerFace Drumpf!
Thank goodness that in Good Ol' Joe Biden the Office of President will at last be held in dignity and respect and good riddance to that worthless arsehole #OrangeManBad!

Ask any seasoned and competent Politician and he, or of course she, will tell you that a few Facts in Politics stand as if cut into stone or soldered in brass!

FACT 1: the Opinion Polls are always accurate as regards the outcome of any popular poll: that is why for instance we remain firmly in the EU, and Hillary Clinton is the current US President, despite all the excitable noise made by deplorables on both sides of the Pond in the run-up to the actual voting!

FACT 2: praising a foreign Politician a week before an Election he is certain to win is a guarantee of his, or of course her, steady goodwill during their term in office: that is why the blistering contempt with which the UK is held by the incoming incumbent will hold no sway during his term in office!

FACT 3: publicly rubbishing a foreign Politician notorious for his vanity is a surefire way of gaining his steady goodwill in such matters as essential trade deals, should he happen to accidentally win after all! But of course he won't and can't, see Fact 1.

So it is a good thing that the deeply competent statemen who govern our public affairs did not keep schtum in the run-up to this US Election as a fool or nincompoop might suggest. Their wise words will certainly win us immense advantage when Kamala Harris AntiFa Donald Trump Good Ol' Jo Biden is running the US of A!

British Establishment: The polls are ironclad, Trump has lost by a mile and nobody thinks otherwise.

Blogista: Nobody including the excellent Borepatch for instance?

British Establishment: But he is an American "blogger", not a British Establishment, he cannot possibly be right. Besides, Professor Pantsdown's Incontrovertibly Incontrovertible Lines of "C" Code prove that 2,147,483,647 kittens will die if #OrangeManBad wins, and there can't be that many kittens on the planet, so it is a logical impossibility.

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