Friday 18 February 2022

Why Censorship is Necessary and Good

The Ministry of Defence yesterday published this chilling map which is totally chilling and warry, and utterly convincing.

Sinister internet trolls working for Vladimir Putin immediately faked up this fake map to spread distress and mental health.

The box about the arrows, top right, explains that they are Ground Movements, and only the tiny writing underneath gives the game away - "Warning: Ground movement indicators are for illustrative purposes only". But for this, the reader might have thought that the arrows represented some actual war plan or something, and weren't just the work of a bunch of retarded clowns.

This is why Mis- Dis- and Something Else That Begins With M- Information (MDM*) must be erased from the interwebs, and only entirely trustworthy Government and Corporate Sources allowed to post stuff online.

*MDM: a satisfyingly euphonious acronym which improves with repetition; encourages faux-scholarly quibbling about the referents of the different D- or M- gibberish definitions; sounds like a Class A drug or a venereal disease. Works a treat.

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