Sunday, 17 August 2008


Hopeless? Not quite.

Incorrigibly and shabbily* alcoholic, unloved, unlovable, unemployed, unemployable - as a consequence penniless - also obsolete, out of time, washed up, wiped out, entire of itself & for whom the bell hath already tolled, is true, but...

Readers: What? You too?

Self: Yeppity yep, and I say again but... there is (are?) always Toots and the Maytals.

* we're talking the table round the back of the bar in the Sussex Arms opposite the Texaco petrol station in Hove. I, I who have danced with duchesses and the daughters of oil sheikhs. I who have looked down my nose at Mr Peter Stringfellow and would again given the chance. Eheu fugaces.

Update: but... then again...


Bart said...

There is always Toots and the Maytals.

Chertiozhnik said...

They have got me through more crises that I have had hot breakfasts (which I gave up when I was 18).