... do not give a shit about screamy white people who can't sing to save their ass and if Mr. S. Cowell wants to make money promoting them as screamy white people who could not and indeed do no (axtualllly that is rthe whole point S Cowell) t sing to save their ass and everybody writhing in the lesbian snake-pit that is Radio 4 wants to promote them as girls who could or can or might sing to save their little tushies from the flames
I raise a glass to every body who has sailed around th'world all alone in tehrir yachy and who mhas then turned up on Desert island |Discs.
There was I trying to look up a link on YouTube to a "Happy Song" but instead I clicked on the wrong thing on my bookmarks and got National Rail Enquiries instead.
The karaoke machine appears to have come from a far superior alien planet whose inhabitants are ahead of ours*** technichologhicallhy. We can only ask you to remain calm and listen alertly and yet humbly to their communications.
Listeners: Can't we go back to the sort of homely collation of 'facts' that Radio 4 is so good at presenting?
United Nations Emergency Talking Shop: Having a writerly lesbian present every single radio clip you've got about the moon landing stuff plus anything that has ever had the word 'moon' in it...
Listeners: Yes but now we've got a serial about radishes throughout human history presented by a person of a darker but not necessarily worse persuasion at 11:30 on Wednesdays with an omnibus edition at 10:00 on Sundays and then there's the Archers and Falloon might have or be about to fuck somebody or eat them and on television Sir Richard Atenbo is got some pics of one animal eating enothe and fucking it which is Nature and they eat each other specially the penquins and th'bears and radishes were a form of currency in Early Hirsute Turkey but by the Medieval Ages the radish became a "salmagundy" which is the sort of salad grown in Anglia...
After dinner, drinkies and an evening of passion with your lovely Jamaican girlfriend do you:
a) wait until she falls asleep, drink a bottle of Famous Grouse in the kitchen with the lights out; wish that the local offie was open all night so you could buy another bottle of Famous Grouse; greet the dawn with bogus enthusiasm when she awakes,
b) not a).
If you answered mostly a) you may well be a Wretch.