Blood & Treasure claims to have found le mot juste... meditating upon our Prime Minister,
"the right word suddenly struck me.
He’s a wanker. A 100%, solid gold, honest to goodness, 24 carat wanker. And that’s all there is to him. He’s nothing other than a wanker: and once you’ve called him a wanker there’s nothing left to say. He is, precisely, a wanker."
- make it Complicated, to overawe the world with your Cleversomeness;
- make the Solution more Complicated than the Problem, so that the Problem will have no way of escape;
- the real Problem and the Solution exist in your head, not in the "real" world - the Laws of Unintended Consequences, Murphy, Sturgeon, Hofstadter &c do not exist in your head (they are annihilated by your Cleversomeness);
- never a simple answer to a simple question, or Fools may begin to doubt your Cleversomeness;
- when Fools begin to doubt, lies evasions and jargon are what little they deserve;
- with Chertiozhnik's Law of Recursive Complicatedness operating in the "real" world, it will soon be time to... Run Away! before you are caught out.
Maybe "wanker" is simpler.
You are getting almost ranty these datas Mr C. Well done. He is indeed, absolutely a wanker.
Hang on though, who isn't? tried www.xnxx.com? And it's all free!
We need to invent a much worse term for GB.
I maight even get sweary, you never know.
XNXX? Well... distinct lack of political comment or off-the-wall humour, but it has its points.
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