Monday 4 May 2009

Theory of Evolution

"Without those new Cambrian genes, we might still be like the lancelets, our tiny brainless heads still swaying in the tides."*





Readers: New Cambrian genes. Lucky old us, eh.

* "evolution", Carl Zimmer, Arrow Books 2003.
Readers: Wha?
Blogista: Page 147.
Blogista: Page 147 end of paragraph 3.
Blogista Nooo about 20 mm lower than that. See?


Ohara said...

Evolution. I am up to and over my head in evolution. That's where my dissertation is at. 7 days and it is all over. And I can go back to sane again. So how is ya. And yeah, looks like you started blogging again.

Chertiozhnik said...

Last time I wrote a dissertation, I ended up chain-smoking rollups (not the exotic ones, just yer basic Old Holborn hit), writing 5000 words of rubbish and going insane.

I have never really come back. I will sing a Wimoweh or two for your soul.

OHara said...

Yeah, me too. Insane. And it's 10,000 words of piffle these days so count yourself lucky.

Chertiozhnik said...

In th'jungle
th'mighty jungle
th'lion sleeps ter niiight
IN th'jungle
th'MIGHTY jungle
th'LION sleeps ter NIIIGHT
(hoop hoop)
A wimoweh a wimoweh &c&c&c

That was a free one and you are already feeling stronger.

Ohara said...

Silicon chip inside her head is set to overload.

Chertiozhnik said...

Ahh phooey overloaad. Out in the night suddenly the fox barks, the owl hoots, the bat flitters, the fieldmouse squeaks, the

human being writes a dissertation?

Well, maybe because my dissertation was so tiny, I did not manage to reproduce myself on the strength of it. Bigger tail feathers and all that.

OHara said...

It's always been survival of the thickest... at least as far homo superior is concerned.

Chertiozhnik said...

Survival of the thickest... I should have a dozen grandchildren then.

Probably something misfiring with the Old Chap or something equally golfocluboscientifically proven.