Saturday 8 September 2007


Nice to know that the fine principles of the Hitler Jugend and the Komsomol haven't been consigned to the dustbin of history.

Thank goodness for Greenpeace.

Or is this a provocateur? Who can say.


Mad Dog said...

This is interesting and I've commented on it elsewhere. I seems to me this is child exploitation of sorts. The kid’s been selcted for this advertisement/propaganda clip because of his apparent moody articulate reasoning (although his rant is all scripted). His accent is hard to place (also deliberate) but it sounds like attenuated Irish to me. Howver this approach must backfire on Greenpeace as nobody likes being lectured to by a surly, know-it-all pre-teenager. It’s too reminiscent of the response parents get when they ask their offspring to tidy their bedrooms. Overall it makes you want to buy a nuclear powered car or something...

Chertiozhnik said...

Accent, I would guess straight Virginia. But there is something about the pale face and the hood - definite Victim iconography.

What bothers me is (apart from the rantiness of the rant) my disbelief that this really is a Greenpeace ad - my first thought was that it had to be counter-propoganda of some sort.

And I wouldn't like to grow up being him. Typecast.

Wickedred said...

This kid, while talented is uber-creepy. I'd buy the Virginia accent, having lived there for a time, but WOW - this is not effective as I only get pissed AT Greemnpeace or whomever as I watch it. I second buying that nuclear powered car. Maybe they have a Barbie version to go with my jet...

Chertiozhnik said...

"If you want a vision of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face - forever."

Somehow this wretched ad got me on the wrong side of the booting for a mo, I felt totalitarian longings.
