I lost my patience with animal programmes decades ago.
I just don't care where these, for instance, Wildebeeste came from, or where they are going to, or why.
I haven't for decades.
Probably Radio 4 will boast some sound footage of Wildebeeste clomping around. And a commentator saying, in hushed tones, "these Wildebeeste are moving from somewhere to somewhere else - it's a world on the move."
Cloppity cloppity clop.
It's done with coconuts. A river of fire ants crossing the jungle floor; a wolf spider digging its burrow; why! here's a pantomime horse suffering from a demarcation dispute which may effect its breeding chances. All coconuts.
- it's a world on the move
I'm definitely feeling that part - oh the hushed tones
It's when they get into your bathroom - they panic and the hooves start to do damage. Go back to Harlesden, I say.
Have you got one of those radios that act as a teleporter opening doors between two locations in time and space?
You should never use them in the bathroom!
I am working hard at my GCSE in Hallucination. The bathroom is vaguely riparian. Have to make do with what you've got, and I'm still clean behind the ears.
Vaguely riparian? You clearly haven't licked enough toads.
I have a colony of Colorado River Toads (cranopsis alvaria) living in my All-Bran.
There am I trying to discipline my bowel motions. One can't help sucking a few.
[school marm voice]
Lack of capital is forgiveable but please do not forget your italic slant on Latin names.
Cranopsis alvaria.
Mrs.Plumb (Homo sapiens sapiens) who forced me to eat a plate of cold gristle (Bos primigenius taurus) posing as a school lunch (Prandium scholasticorum scholasticis) one spring day around 1968, comes to mind.
She is long dead, I imagine. As is Miss Gentry.
That reminds me - school song.
The post that ensues is definitely your fault.
On second thoughts....
no body should have to go through that again, not even me
Nope. The past is another country, they do toxic waste landfill sites on the cheap there.
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