Sunday 19 August 2007

Dump and Dumper

What would you like to say to the girlfriend or boyfriend who first dumped you?

Asks David McMahon at Authorblog.

I might manage an "oh, well, whatever". Thirty two years ago, first kisses, first love, and the first time it dawned on me that it was all going to be inexplicably difficult.

Which it always has been.

Cartoons by the late and very great B. Kliban, more examples here and here.


Anonymous said...

Brill cartoons

Chertiozhnik said...

Brill they are - much better than Gary Larson of "The Far Side" who pinched a lot of his ideas but never chieved half the strangeness or invention.

david mcmahon said...

Hi Chertmeister,

You've told us everything so succinctly.

Great presentation - I'd never heard of B. Kilban, but I'm off to find out more about him.

Keep smiling


Chertiozhnik said...

Hi David,

B. Kliban: Nobel Prize for Cartoonists. There oughta be be one.

Especially in this Age of Blogging, where immediate visual impact is the only way to get a second or third thought.